Free Download Eclipse Ecl 553 Manual Programs For First Time

Active2 years, 4 months ago

I have spent been on the Maven site reading the 5- and 30-minute tutorials, and trialing Maven out for the first time.

I want to install a Maven plugin and use it to start building Maven projects from Eclipse.

Despite an honest effort, I have been unable to find a comprehensive tutorial on any Maven plugin. M2E, which seems like the de facto standard, has nothing but broken (or recursive) links on their site.

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I can't tell if I even installed the plugin correctly, or how to use it.

Does anyone know of a good step-by-step guide to M2E or any other plugin? One that comes with good installation documentation, along with a solid explanation of its features and proper uses?

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closed as off-topic by Servy, sisve, sadmicrowave, tkerwin, GhostCatApr 4 '17 at 14:59


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13 Answers

(Edit 2016-10-12: Many Eclipse downloads from have M2Eclipse included already. As of Neon both the Java and the Java EE packages do - look for 'Maven support')


Maven Eclipse plugin installation step by step:

  1. Open Eclipse IDE
  2. Click Help -> Install New Software...
  3. Click Add button at top right corner
  4. At pop up: fill up Name as 'M2Eclipse' and Location as ''or

  5. Now click OK

After that installation would be started.

Another way to install Maven plug-in for Eclipse:

  1. Open Eclipse
  2. Go to Help -> Eclipse Marketplace
  3. Search by Maven
  4. Click 'Install' button at 'Maven Integration for Eclipse' section
  5. Follow the instruction step by step

After successful installation do the followings in Eclipse:

  1. Go to Window --> Preferences
  2. Observe, Maven is enlisted at left panel


  1. Click on an existing project
  2. Select Configure -> Convert to Maven Project
Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
58.3k25 gold badges154 silver badges294 bronze badges
Ripon Al WasimRipon Al Wasim
27.5k31 gold badges131 silver badges153 bronze badges

IF you want to install Maven in Eclipse(Java EE) Indigo Then follow these Steps :

  1. Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software.

  2. Type ' ' & Hit Enter.

  3. Expand ' Collaboration ' tag.

  4. Select Maven plugin from there.

  5. Click on next .

  6. Accept the agreement & click finish.

After installing the maven it will ask for restarting the Eclipse,So restart the eclipse again to see the changes.

Mukesh KumarMukesh Kumar

Free Download Eclipse Ecl 553 Manual Programs For First Time School

By 'use install a Maven plugin and use it' I am sure you are looking for a Eclipse plugin that will perform Maven functions within the IDE. If so, M2E is a good choice. You will find a lot of help within the Eclipse installation once you install M2E.

That said -- considering that you are starting off using Maven -- it would go a long way to have a good understanding of the basic concepts. Using M2E could hide some of the details which could lead to incomplete or incorrect interpretation of Maven's behavior and therefore problems downstream.

Some good Maven online references are:

  • Maven's own documentation -- which you have found. Be sure to see the docs of the plugins that you use
Sri SankaranSri Sankaran
6,6164 gold badges30 silver badges42 bronze badges

First install maven in your system and set Maven environment variables

  1. M2_HOME: ....apache-maven-3.0.5 maven installed path
  2. M2_Repo: D:maven_repo If change maven repo location
  3. M2: %M2_HOME%bin

Steps to Configures maven on Eclipse IDE:

  • Select Window -> PreferencesNote: If Maven option is not present, then add maven 3 to eclipse or install it.
  • Add the Maven location of your system

To check maven is configured properly:

  • Open Eclipse and click on Windows -> Preferences

  • Choose Maven from left panel, and select installations.

  • Click on Maven -> 'User Settings' option form left panel, to check local repository location.

Anil SatijaAnil Satija

Check This

instead to avoid this error:

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found. Software being installed: m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional) ( Missing requirement: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core requires 'bundle [14.0.1,16.0.0)' but it could not be found Missing requirement: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core requires 'bundle org.eclipse.osgi 3.10.0' but it could not be found Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui To: bundle org.eclipse.m2e.core [1.6.0,1.7.0) Cannot satisfy dependency: From: Maven Integration for Eclipse (org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui To: bundle org.eclipse.m2e.core [1.6.0,1.7.0) Cannot satisfy dependency: From: m2e logback appender (org.eclipse.m2e.logback.appender To: bundle org.eclipse.m2e.core.ui [1.6.0,1.7.0) Cannot satisfy dependency: From: m2e - slf4j over logback logging (Optional) ( To: org.eclipse.m2e.logback.appender []

Hojat ModaresiHojat Modaresi

You have to follow the following steps in the Eclipse IDE

  1. Go to Help - > Install New Software
  2. Click add button at top right corner
  3. In the popup coming, type in name as 'Maven' and location as ''
  4. Click on OK.

Maven integration for eclipse will be dowloaded and installed. Restart the workspace.

In the .m2 folder(usually under C:user directory) add settings.xml. Give proper proxy and profiles. Now create a new Maven project in eclipse.


I have also come across the same issue and figuredout the issue here is the solution.

Free Download Eclipse Ecl 553 Manual Programs For First Time Home Buyers Program

Lot of people assumes Eclipse and maven intergration is tough but its very eassy.

1) download the maven and unzip it in to your favorite directory.

Ex : C:satyamDEV_TOOLSapache-maven-3.1.1

2) Set the environment variable for Maven(Hope every one knows where to go to set this)

In the system variable: Variable_name = M2_HOME Variable_Value =C:satyamDEV_TOOLSapache-maven-3.1.1

Next in the same System Variable you will find the variable name called Path: just edit the path variable and add M2_HOME details like with the existing values.

so in the second step now you are done setting the Maven stuff to your need to cross check it whether your setting is correct or not, go to command prompt and type mvn--version it should disply the path of your Maven

3) Open the eclipse and go to Install new software and type M2E Plugin install and restart the Eclipse

with the above 3 steps you are done with Maven and Maven Plugin with eclipse

4) Maven is used .m2 folder to download all the jars, it will find in Ex: C:Userstempsakat.m2

under this folder one settings.xml file and one repository folder will be there

5) go to Windwo - preferences of your Eclipse and type Maven then select UserSettings from left menu then give the path of the settings.xml here .

now you are done...


Maven Eclipse plugin installation step by step:

Open Eclipse IDEClick Help -> Install New SoftwareClick Add button at top right cornerAt pop up: fill up Name as you want and Location as click OKAnd follow the instruction

Free Download Eclipse Ecl 553 Manual Programs For First Time

I have just include Maven integration plug-in with Eclipse:

Just follow the bellow steps:

In eclipse, from upper menu item select- Help ->click on Install New Software..-> then click on Add button.

set the MavenAPI at name text box and at location text box.

press OK and select the Maven project and install by clicking next.

Ryan K
3,4494 gold badges30 silver badges38 bronze badges
Jenis KasundraJenis Kasundra

Tried every stuff but this one worked ..1. Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software.2. Type ' ' & Hit Enter.3. Expand ' Collaboration ' tag.4. Select Maven plugin from there.5. Click on next .6. Accept the agreement & click finish.After installing the maven it will ask for restarting the Eclipse, So restart the eclipse again to see the changes.

Thanks Mukesh for Guiding.


I was having problems because I was looking to install the Maven plugin on MuleStudio not Eclipse..

[for MuleStudio 1.2 or below do steps (1) and (2) otherwise jump to step (2)]

Instructions for MuleStudio (ONLY versions 1.2 and below):(1) Help >install new software...

Instructions for MuleStudio (1.3) OR Eclipse:(2) Help >install new software...

3773 gold badges8 silver badges25 bronze badges

The latest version of Eclipse (Luna) and Spring Tool Suite (STS) come pre-packaged with support for Maven, GIT and Java 8.

A. RickA. Rick

I have just include Maven integration plug-in at Eclipse:

Just follow the bellow steps:

  • In eclipse, from upper menu item select- 'Help' ->click on 'Install New Software..'-> then click on 'Add' button.

  • set the 'MavenAPI' at name text box and '' at location text box.

  • press Ok and select the Maven project and install by clicking next next.

Syeful IslamSyeful Islam
3,0971 gold badge13 silver badges17 bronze badges

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