PROLOGUE I never thought, even in my wildest dreams, that I would ever write this book . much less publish it. However, an almost unnoticed ad in a national newspaper in the sum- mer of 1990 started a chain of events that resulted in the publication of this book. On the day the ad was published, two of theDelta Directors (from dif- ferent parts of the world) called me regarding the ad. They were con- cerned that theDelta secret, for which they had each paid $35,000 to learn was out! • One of them faxed the ad to me and I must admit I was shocked and alarmed by what I saw. Someone (whom I shall call Gary Mackhan) was looking at me, stating that he was offering a book for sale which revealed the secret of 'the most important discovery ever made about the markets.' The ad layout and wording was almost exactly like the ad I had pub- lished in newspapers and magazines all over the world in 1985 and 1986 regarding THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL. The picture of George Marachal's chart . the statement that the turning points on the same two time frames could be predicted ten years or more ahead . . . and even the accuracy ratings (slightly changed) were all as in my previ- ous ad. I knew immediately that nothing on this planet but TheDeltaPhenomenon could make the claims that were in that ad. Not only was I astonished that someone was publishing a book about Delta, but he had the audacity to use my ad to try to sell it! First, I tried to obtain a copy of the book, but was told that it would not be ready for three or four weeks. Next I tried to contact Gary Mackhan, but was unsuccessful. Then I called an emergency meeting with my attor- neys and we set out a course of action. We sent Mr. Mackhan a regis- tered letter demanding that he cease immediately from publishing my ad and expressed our fears that he was knowingly involved in an illegal scheme that involved a breach of contract . . . etc. We also asked for a book. i This book is published by and available from THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 128 5615 McLeansville Road McLeansville, NC 27301 It is the intent of THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL to publish and maintain the availability of THEDELTAPHENOMENON or THE HIDDEN ORDER IN ALL MARKETS in perpetuity. The price is one hundred and seventy-five dollars. IMPORTANT NOTICE! PATENT PENDING The technique for utilizing the concept and underlying materials as disclosed herein is the subject of pending patent applications. Such patent rights will be strictly enforced against violators. ©Copyright 1991 TheDelta Society International All rights in the text and materials herein are reserved to the copyright owner. Reproduction of these materi- als in whole or in part is prohibited without the written consent of TheDelta Society International. We informed all appropriate magazines and newspapers that Mr. Mackhan was about to be enjoined in litigation regarding plagiarism of my ad copy and warned that publication of the ad might involve them in the litigation. Mr. Mackhan hired a lawyer who exchanged letters with my attorneys. He admitted nothing and tried to defuse the issues. He would not send us a copy of the book and finally stated that Mr. Mackhan had decided to do more research and rewrite the book . . . whatever that means! It was obvious to all involved that the secret was out and it was only a matter of time until someone would try to capitalize on it. It was also obvi- ous that one of theDelta Directors had broken his contract not to reveal the secret. I must admit that at first I was devastated by this turn of events. Then, gradually, as I began to consider the options, a plan began to take shape. First, I would obtain a patent on theDelta secret. Then I would write the only original and proper book revealing it in its entirety. I would give back to theDelta Directors three-fourths of the profit from the book. Although the book would fully reveal everything I had taught to each Delta Director who came to Greensboro to learn the secret, it would not give solutions or future turning points for ail markets. To do so would be a breach of trust to the members of THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL who get this information every year until the year 2000. The book would enable anyone who purchased it to duplicate the work that Jim Sloman and I had done in solving any market for Delta on any of the five Delta time frames. This would then enable him to develop computer programs that would give future dates for any market. How- ever, since theDeltaPhenomenon is patented, he could not dis- tribute or sell this information . but he could use it for himself. 2 The more I considered this plan, the more it appeared that the gains to everyone outweighed the losses. TheDelta members would continue to be the only exclusive group to get the future Delta turning points and my monthly members letter which maintains a constant update on all markets and points out the best trading situations developing in all markets on all but the Short Term Delta time frame. They would get a copy of the book which would give them the secret of Delta. They would also have the information on the Short Term Delta time frame as shown in this book. TheDelta Directors would still be the exclusive group who would have all the solutions to all markets that I had solved, for both stocks and com- modities. They also would be the only exclusive group to have all the future Delta dates on all time frames on all commodities and stocks as far into the future as they want for their lifetime. They also would, over time, probably get back as much or more from the proceeds of this book than their membership cost initially. Both groups, theDelta members and Directors, would be protected (remain exclusive groups) by the patent. Obviously, the readers of this book will benefit from the revelations put forth. For a time, they also may become Members or Directors of the Society. However, the total member- ship will continue to be limited. To be brief, I sent a comprehensive report to each Director detailing the action I had taken and was continuing to take against Gary Mackhan. I laid out my plan as outlined above to write and publish the proper and only Delta book. I asked them to supply their comments and suggestions and to vote whether I should proceed. Their input was good and was very appreciated. The vote was almost unanimous. That is why you are reading this book. 3 FOREWORD It all started with a phone call in the fall of 1983. I think the month was September. I came back from a trip and among my calls to return was a call from one Jim Sloman. I had never heard of Jim Sloman so I fielded the more important calls first. Toward mid-afternoon I returned the call to Jim Sloman. My life has not been the same since! Rather than trying to give you a history of what happened next, in the following pages I have included the two brochures that I wrote in 1984 and 1985 to make membership in THEDELTA SOCIETY available to traders. These brochures not only cover the history of what happened those first two years, but will give you a quick preview of what you are about to read. After the brochures, I have included an interview that was published in the national magazine, TECHNICAL ANALYSIS OF STOCKS AND COM- MODITIES in the February 1986 issue. In it I tried to answer questions regarding my experience and background and questions about TheDelta Society. After the interview is a Table of Contents and then the book begins. I have written this book in my usual first person conversational style and I have tried to tell the story of how it all happened as I move through the material. I believe this adds an element of interest and excitement to the learning process. As with all my books, I have tried to include only relevant and essential information in the most precise way possible. To make it easier to read, I have often deviated from the grammatically correct usage of stating certain numbers as words and used the Arabic numbers instead of word numbers. 4 FUTURES TRADERS & MARKET ANALYSTS. THIS IS . THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERY EVER MADE ABOUT THE MARKETS. THERE IS PERFECT ORDER BEHIND THE MARKETS . It makes no difference whether the markets are stocks, commodities, or any other freely traded markets. This perfect order is the basis of all markets. GEORGE MARECHAL DISCOVERED THIS FIFTY YEARS AGO . In 1933 Marechal drew a projection of what the stock market would do for the next fifteen years. (See below.) George Marechal lived to be almost ninety years old but when he died, his secret died with him. One man working alone in Chicago in the summer of 1983 rediscovered what I believe was Marechal's secret. THIS SECRET HAS JUST BEEN REDISCOVERED . It is now available to members of theDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL (DSI). Applications for membership are currently being accepted. The top line of price fluctua- tions is an actual reproduc- tion of a copyrighted fifteen year market forecast as calculated and drawn in 1933 by George Marechal. The bottom line of price fluc- tuations is the actual Dow- Jones Industrial average from 1934 to 1948—the same fif- teen years as projected by Marechal. WellesWilder is known world-wide for his innovative and original concepts for technical trading systems. His revolu- tionary book, New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems is legen- dary, in technical circles. FORBES MAGAZINE (Oct. '80) singled Mr. Wilder out as 'The premier technical trader publishing his work today.' FORBES goes on to say, 'For those of you who have seen all the conventional systems, this book is the place to start.' Wilder's 'Relative Strength Index' (RSI) is monitored daily by many big brokerage firms and is charted by most chart services for each commodity. His 'Directional Movement' system and 'Parabolic Time/Price' system have become bywords to technical traders world-wide. Most computer trading systems in use today utilize some of Wilder's originally published concepts. Mr. Wilder is an active trader and ad- visor on technical trading systems and methods. He has authored many ar- ticles on trading techniques and makes appearances on radio and television programs. Around the world, there are probably more traders using Mr. Wilder's systems and methods than any other single discipline. Mr. Wilder has presented his methods and systems at technical trading seminars in Asia, Australia, Canada, the U.S. and the capitals of Europe. Mr. Wilder's company, Trend Research, Ud., McLeansville, N.C. develops com- puter trading programs and computer software, and distributes his book. There is no 'One Minute Recap' to what I am about to say. But when you have a few uninterrupted minutes, you should sit down and read this through. . .and if you have ever traded the markets, (any markets) whether or not you decide to apply for membership, you will never forget what you are about to read. For example, I am going to tell you that all markets are predictable. . . not just the next intermediate swing or major swing, but all future major and intermediate swings. I have calculated all intermediate and major tops and bottoms through the year 2000 for all COMMODITIES, STOCK INDICES, FINANCIALS and CURRENCIES. This is now available to you as a member of THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL IT'S HARD TO BELIEVE, BUT IT IS THE TRUTH Pick a year. . .then pick a commodity. . .for ex- ample, T-Bills 1994.1 can chart every intermediate turning point and every major turning point that T-Bills will make in 1994. Or better yet, pick a date. . .any date. . .say March 22, 1988. I can punch that date into my Apple or IBM Computer and immediately obtain a hard-copy print-out of the previous intermediate turning point, the next intermediate turning point and the following in- termediate turning point. . .for every commodi- ty. . .or for any portfolio I choose. Replacing that program disk with the long term disk, again. I can punch in any date and obtain a hard-copy print-out of the previous long term turning point, and the next two long term turning points for all commodities or any predetermined portfolio of commodities. I know this is hard to believe. That's why I chose three people to show this to .people whose in- tegrity would not be questioned. On the back page of this letter, is their verification that it is true. HOW DID THIS THING COME ABOUT? My name is Welles Wilder. I wish that I could say that I discovered this phenomenon, but I'm not that smart. It all began with a phone call. It was the second week in September, 1983. The essence of the conversation went like this: 'Mr. Wilder, my name is Jim Sloman. I have discovered something about the markets that I want to present to you.' 'What is it,' I replied. . .'a trading system?' overlooked the lake. We could hear the surf roll- ing in. 'How did you ever get this apartment?' I asked. Jim said, 'I visualized that I was living in a beautiful apartment overlooking Lake Michigan. Shortly after, through a series of seemingly accidental circumstances, it happened.' We were sitting in the living room chatting and I was scheduled to catch the 5:30 flight back to Greensboro. 'How long will it take to show me your discovery?' 'Not long,' said Jim, 'but first if you wouldn't mind, I would like to tell you how this thing, DELTA, came about.' 'Is that what you call it, DELTA?' 'Yes. DELTA is a Greek letter derived from a word meaning 'door,' in this case a door to the unknown. It also means for me the word 'diagnosis,' a diagnosis of the markets. A few months ago I began thinking about the markets in a way that was different for me. I attempted to find out if there was some kind of order in all markets. I visualized the markets as being a hologram. Do you know what a hologram is, Welles?' 'Yes, a hologram is a projection in three dimensions.' 'Right. Do you know how one is made?' 'No.' 'A hologram is made by projecting laser light through a holographic negative. . .much like a photographic negative. However, if one looks at the holographic negative with normal lighting, it looks like mass confusion. When laser light is pro- jected through the negative, then the three dimen- sional hologram appears .the confusion is replaced by perfect order.' 'This was my approach to finding order in the markets. Suppose the holographic negative was the markets. . .mass confusion. If, so to speak, I could find the right laser to shine through that negative, if there was order there, it would be im- mediately obvious.' He asked me to come into the kitchen and sit down at the table. 'Here is a regular bar chart of the last nine months of the S & P's. It's mass confusion. Now look at the same chart with this projection on the chart. Just study it for a minute.' I looked at the chart. It was overlayed with col- ored lines and numbers. It took about five seconds for it to hit me . to comprehend what I was see- ing. I simply could not believe the answer was that simple. I suddenly felt a sense of awe. . . like my eyes were opened and I was seeing something that no one else had ever seen. I felt like the per- son who had spent a lifetime searching for something, and ended up finding it in his own back yard. Suddenly, Jim brought me back to reality with a question. 'Welles. where is the next turning point for the S & P's?' 'Why, it's right here,' I exclaimed, pointing to a place on the chart about two weeks in the future from the last daily bar. It was suddenly so clear why it had to be there. 'Right,' said Jim, 'and obviously it will be a top. Now where will the next bottom come after that top?' 'Right here,' I answered, feeling a spine-tingling sense of wonder. It was obvious that I was shaken by what I was seeing. 'Let's see some other charts.' For the next several hours Jim explained the discovery to me. I looked at fifteen different bar charts of fifteen different commodities under the projection of Jim's colored lines and numbers. It was obvious that there was an order that the markets followed. Each turning point did not necessarily come on the exact day that it should have, but it was incredibly close. . . within two or three days in most cases. I knew what this order 'Marechal, by mathematical methods of his own, was the first to demonstrate that there is order underlying the so-called random changes in price fluctuations. No professor at any university, no govern- ment economists, have ever been able to produce a similar chart showing, as Marecnal's famous chart, copyrighted in advance, what the Dow-Jones Industrial stock averages would do 15 years ahead. As one of many other samples of this mathematical orderliness regulating the flow of stock prices, the writer received from this remarkable man, now approaching 90, several months before President Nixon's election, an accurate prognostication of what the D.J. Industrial Average would do the day after Nixon's election.' (Alan H. Andrews, Director -THE FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC STABILIZATION, Boston, Massachusetts — 1969.) (Emphasis added.) 'The top line of price fluctuations is an exact reproduction of a copyrighted forecast as calculated and drawn in late 1933 by George Marechal, formerly of Montreal, Canada. One of the original copies has been in the author's possession since 1935. As each year was divided into six parts, the actual fluctuations of the Dow-Jones Industrial Average have been added below on the same basis by taking the high and low for two month's periods.' 'Clearly, the pattern of forecasts and the actual pattern of the market rniss many times in detail and exact timing. Nevertheless, the broad picture of the trends from 1934 through 1947, at least, is remarkably similar.' (NEW METHODS for PROFIT in the STOCK MARKET by Garfield Drew, pp. 161. The Metcalf Press — Boston, Massachusetts — Enlarged Edition, 1948.) [...]... observing theDELTA phenomenon, the average accuracy for intermediate term swings is as follows: [1]51% of the time, the projected DELTA turning point will occur within two days of the day projected [2] 68% of the time, the projected DELTA turning point will occur within three days of the day projected [3] 81% of the time, the projected DELTA turning point will occur within four days of the day projected The. .. Obviously, the lower the AR, the more accurate the point *2 This is the probability that the turn will occur within 2 days of the date given for that point *3 This is the probability that the turn will occur within 3 days of the date given for that point *4 This is the probability that the turn will occur within 4 days of the date given for that point HOW DOES ONE USE THEDELTA COMPUTER PROGRAM? There are... advantage, because the sideways movement to the next DELTA high shows exactly how weak the market is, and thus clearly portends the subsequent collapse.) B-POUND—Down until November, then up The B-POUND moved down until November, then turned up exactly as projected Notice that no time period was given for the 'up' I didn't say 'up until such-and-such time.' The reason for this is that, in long-term DELTA, a... in time theDELTA example in the original DELTA brochure? You phenomenon for the D-MARK would snap bacK guessed it The D-MARK into place and it would be apparent what And yet, the D-MARK was, in fact, doing just happened Of this I was sure Many times over what it was supposed to be doing You guessed the phone I had given the following answer :o it again The D-MARK had an intervening point the inevitable... WEEKLY DM 54 There are a number of reasons why DELTA is the ideal tool for the chart trader First, the long term DELTA gives the current major trend and the duration of that trend This bit of information alone is invaluable to the chart trader Also, the intermediate term DELTA gives the intermediate term trend and turning points The intermediate term trader will use long term DELTA as the direction... is highlighted with a dot on the day that is given on the print-out TheDELTA print-out does not state whether the turning point is a high point or a low point As soon as you apply theDELTA turns to your daily bar chart, it will be immediately obvious whether a high or a low point lines up with theDELTA turns From then on each point will rotate from low to high, etc The only exception to this is... the print-out of Coffee which lists the three turning points for the date of 5/23/S4 THE SYSTEMS TRADER AND DELTAThe systems trader can use the long term DELTA and the intermediate term DELTA as a filter for his system trades If DELTA shows the markets to be in a long term up trend, then he can take only the Long system trades and vice versa Also, he can screen out trades that do not come at the intermediate... will get from DELTA One, of course, is the future turning points The other is an insight into the strength and weakness of the market as it relates to theDELTA turning points This means that even at the few times when market turns do not occur at the predetermined DELTA points, this tells the trader something about the current strength and weakness of the market that nothing else reveals DELTA is not... COTTON T-BILLS S-FRANC OATS GOLD COCOA J-YEN THE WORD WILL GET AROUND P-BELLIES HOGS SILVER COPPER S & P H-OIL B-POUND C-DOLLAR Traders who use DELTA will see for themselves the incredible advantage it gives them I foresee the time, probably in the not too distant future, that DELTA membership will be rationed by a substantial increase in the cost of membership I therefore would advise anyone who is an... sell or lease the computer program that gave theDELTA turning points, but there was no way I could prove that DELTA was so unbelievably accurate without actually revealing the secret as a part of the proof I mulled this over for a couple of weeks and then one morning at 3:00 AM the solution came The answer was THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL (DSI) THEDELTA SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL would be the guardian . the Short Term Delta time frame. They would get a copy of the book which would give them the secret of Delta. They would also have the information on the. given on the print-out. The DELTA print-out does not state whether the turning point is a high point or a low point. As soon as you apply the DELTA turns
Delta Phenomenon Welles Wilder Pdf Merge. Put it this way: if the Welles wilder delta phenomenon pdf thing it's useful for is its ability to 'predict' most likely future direction of the markets for a given period then that's good enough for me. ADX indicators secret method pdf free download, delta phenomenon ebook, delta phenomenon wilder, delta welles wilder 50 page book, j welles wilder ebooks, j. Welles wilder ebook, j. Welles wilder free ebooks, James Sloman, new concepts in technical trading, New concepts in technical trading system ebook, new concepts in technical trading. The Delta Phenomenon [ Page 6 of 6 ] The Delta Phenomenon or The Hidden Order In All Markets by Welles Wilder The Delta Society International 1991 193 pgs. Get The Delta Phenomenon, Now! is not an investment advisory service, a registered investment advisor or broker-dealer.
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- First Post:Mar 14, 2004 7:18pmMar 14, 2004 7:18pm
i am interseted in this Delta Phenomenon however i can't seem to get a decent un biased opnion on this subject.
i would appreciate the assistance.......
- Mar 14, 2004 7:20pmMar 14, 2004 7:20pm
Welles paid a cool million cash in advance for the idea from a bloak in Chicago. He then sold directorships for 35 grand ea.
Now, u can get most of the info for substantially less.
4xisez gave an opinion and it appears it is immediately labeled as biased. I see good points and weak points in the idea/method.
Do what everyone else does and U will lose. Not many toy with Delta due to its cost. You will learn something from the Delta experience. How much is up to you. It has an inversion factor/sequence that has not been mastered or well understood.
Maybe U could master that portion of it, along with mastering direction of the turning points as oppossed to trying to identify turns without the understandement of the impending direction when it does turn.
Nothing great comes easy, or it wouldn't be great.
- Mar 14, 2004 7:20pmMar 14, 2004 7:20pm
I totally agree, however the issue is not really the $175.00 but the weeks if not months one may have to spend just to get comfortable with it. This by the end of the process may be just a waist of time as the delta phenomenuim could be really nothing but a recurring coincidence that no one can actually use with a good accuracy rate.
- Mar 14, 2004 7:21pmMar 14, 2004 7:21pm
- Mar 14, 2004 7:22pmMar 14, 2004 7:22pm
- Mar 14, 2004 7:23pmMar 14, 2004 7:23pm
This may be unbiased. It's an autobiography of the website owner with references to Delta.
Diary of a Trading Loser
That's the title he used. It's not mine.
- Oct 22, 2005 12:35amOct 22, 2005 12:35am
I bought the book about ten years ago. I read it several times and frankly, while there may be something in the theory, finding a practical application for it is impossible. To make sense of it everything has to be viewed in hindsight, alot like Elliot waves. If you're like me you'll pay $175 and then feel like you have to use it. If you do manage to figure it out, you'll have come to the conclusion, that in all reality, it does not improve your odds one bit. At best its still only 50/50. Welles Wilder has made some important contributions to the field technical analysis but this is not one of them.
- Oct 22, 2005 12:46amOct 22, 2005 12:46am
I bought the book about ten years ago. I read it several times and frankly, while there may be something in the theory, finding a practical application for it is impossible. To make sense of it everything has to be viewed in hindsight, alot like Elliot waves. If you're like me you'll pay $175 and then feel like you have to use it. If you do manage to figure it out, you'll have come to the conclusion, that in all reality, it does not improve your odds one bit. At best its still only 50/50. Welles Wilder has made some important contributions to the field technical analysis but this is not one of them.
i have had more than just the book for the last ten years and i agree. jim
- Oct 22, 2005 12:55amOct 22, 2005 12:55am
I'm embarrassed to tell reveal this but, to add insult to injury, I also bought
'The Adam Theory'. !!!!
- Oct 22, 2005 12:59amOct 22, 2005 12:59am
I'm embarrassed to tell reveal this but, to add insult to injury, I also bought
'The Adam Theory'. !!!!
geez, i have often wondered if i was the only one. guess not.
- Edited at 12:59pmAug 4, 2006 10:22am |Editedat 12:59pm
OK, so this is a serriously old thread, but i luv this place. I was doing a google search/study on the DP and then said; 'Duh, why not do a search at FF?', and here in one simple read i see all i need to know...Jim's frank and believeable take on it all. Thanks Jim, and Steve : ) (yes i posted elsewhere at an existing thread on it before seeing this thread).
as a post edit. I've decided that for consistency in my personality/way of the heart... that i will do a bit of study on my own since i'm curious...may not come to any practical application for me, but if i don't at least dig a bit deeper i won't be true to myself.
- Dec 10, 2007 1:44pmDec 10, 2007 1:44pm
Having applied Delta to my trading and lost 17,000 over the course of a year and one year of my life moving turning points around a chart I have to say it is rubbish.
Or is it? I went to a seminar and ended up talking to an ex trader who had worked in the city and he told me he bought Delta and applied it to share trading and was making 50K per week. I was convinced, a friend and I bought the whole package between us and set about, plotting all the time frames on our little charts in metastock (bought on another recommendation). We spent a weekend looking at the CD and then with not a care in the world and two maxed out credit cards I was buying cotton copper you name it if it had the sniff of a turning point I sold it, bought it.
Money management, ha thats for the people that do not know the secrets of the turning points. Splendid work, cleared me out faster than a rabbit with skates going down a steep hill attached to a rocket powered sled.
Fast forward one year on, what have I learned. Well I sold my flat at the peak of the market, I predicted the slow down in the world stock markets, told all my mates that the crash was comming. I know that Steve Copen often gets it wrong and yes he does loose money. Trader Tom also uses Delta and he is often right and often wrong!
However, I know that it works sometimes, but not all the time I also know that you use very small stops to trade typically 20pts on 5-6 days trades, yes I can pick tops in the market and bottoms as well to within 20 points. The trouble is even with Steve Copens Delta CD you will have no idea is the point you predict correct or not. Sometimes it's late sometimes its early so I would conclude that its predictive ability is not that hot.
But, the markets do have cycles and these cycles are not over trading days they are over calender days! Forget trying to predict cycles if you do not include weekends.
Ok just to show I have faith I will now predict that the DJIA will turn down between the 11th or 12th of December the prices to keep your eyes on are 13,945. I have no idea if this will be it, but hey lets see.
J Welles Wilder Biography
- Dec 10, 2007 2:18pmDec 10, 2007 2:18pm

Ok, Now I am confused... Do you now like Wilder's Phenomenon, or do you think it is bunk. I have the book, I inherited thing from a relative. Did you like the CD and other stuff?
I thought it was interesting, but just like drawing lines on a chart, I could find a turning point any sequence I decided to use. I think we humans are extraordinary at seeking out patterns in the world around us. Maybe not such a good thing though if there really is no pattern, just perception.
Delta Phenomenon Welles Wilder Pdf To Jpg File
- Dec 10, 2007 2:39pmDec 10, 2007 2:39pm
I have studied both Delta Phenomenon and Market Matrix, think mapping time by delta and fib sequences and projecting price levels via fib extensions and retracements. The Matrix studies I felt were very orchestrated in the course. While I could never really get it to a point that it was leading or felt comfortable trading the signals, I have had some luck just using timing derived from the full or new moon. And I know a couple of traders that use Delta successfully.
But I would recommend that you view timing from lunar studies as time points or times for a change in market conditions, it could be reversal, or acceleration, or from movement to consolidation. And you should look for price to support your time point before entering, some sort of price action pattern that conforms to your view.
I you believe that celestial objects influence the timing of nature, as we can see in tides and fish and wildlife activity increasing around full and new moons, it’s not hard to believe that we are influenced to some degree too. If this is a tradeable edge, is left open for debate.
- Dec 10, 2007 6:10pmDec 10, 2007 6:10pm
I tried trading this years ago and I hate to think about the $ lost.
This theory is all about predicting tops and bottoms. Like most any indicator, it looks great in hindsight as you can apply each turning point to the nearest high/low. Problem is, of course, you never know this in real time, only after the fact.
Even further making this worthless is the fact that Wilder also allows for 'inversions' at the beginning of each new sequence; thus allowing for the reverse of each series of high/low points!!
Like I said; you can rationalize this all nicely after the fact, but that doesn't help you in real time. Trading with Delta is a lot like looking at an MT4 indicator that 'repaints'.
Lastly.....please note that Jim Sloman (the guy Wilder paid for this) is now promoting some new theory (check Google) after he 'sold' DELTA to Wilder. So.....even he must think it is not that reliable!
And.....yeah.....I bought his Adam Theory book as well.......junk!!
- Dec 11, 2007 11:31amDec 11, 2007 11:31am
Well finger in the wind and if the turn occurs tommorrow then I have narrowed it down to two prices, these are 13849 and 13990. The trouble with delta and predicting price is that sometimes the predicted price is the close of the day, the market may go through the predicted values that does not matter. But if it turns tommorrow then the close must not be greater than these two value.
Hey ho, it maybe, but nothing is sure with this method, so please if you were looking to trade it don't... this info is just to get the ball rolling on can the market be predicted.
- Dec 14, 2007 7:44amDec 14, 2007 7:44am
In reply to my last post I was some 50 points short of the top of the market but the time prediction was fairly good. One of the reasons I lost so much money trying to trade this system is due to setting my stops to close to the market.
If you are day trading on a 15min graph you can use 10 point stops as your targets are in the smaller time frame. Trading over days involves stops of 50 points.
Now on the back of my last prediction, here is then next predicted point for the DJIA movement in the short term 13,799 is the high and the market is now on a move lower, the time period I have for the turn is 29th Dec 2007.
So the Dow will not go higher than 13,799 (the high of the 11th Dec 07) and the price it hit will be lower than 12754, in effect I am predicting a fall in the DOW by 29th of December in the order of 700 points.
- Dec 27, 2007 11:00amDec 27, 2007 11:00am
Delta Phenomenon Welles Wilder Pdf To Jpg
I am not a great fan of directional strategies but if you want to use Delta to predict a market direction you will also need to apply the Gartley Pattern together with it. When both of them produce a signal it is usually quite reliable.
- Jan 8, 2008 9:27amJan 8, 2008 9:27am
Delta Phenomenon Welles Wilder Pdf To Jpg Converter
Ok according to my time cycle analysis the DJIA will bounce today and it will be a short term correction to the fall of the last couple of days, where it goes I have no idea, but it will move up until the 18th of Jan, my guess for price would be 13571. After than a move lower than the low of today.
- Edited at 5:02amJan 17, 2008 4:50am |Editedat 5:02am
Delta Phenomenon Welles Wilder Pdf To Jpg Online
I'm curious.
I (now) trade exclusively using Wilder's systems detailed in 'New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems' and they work (almost) perfectly for me (I'm just very sorry that I never tried to master these systems earlier but that's another discussion on it's own).
Anyway, being a 'Wilder fan' I bought 'The Delta Phenomenon' and when I first received it I thought he had 'lost it' i.e. talking about the moon and the earth and the tides and stuff like that i.e. all 'mumbo jumbo' to me ESPECIALLY when compared to the absolute 'brilliance' of all his other work. Needless to say I sort of 'glanced over the chapters' LOOKING for something 'technical' in nature (like the stuff in 'New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems') and when I did not find what I just 'assumed' would be detailed in the book i.e. a 'new and improved technical trading system' I put the book 'one side'.
Now that my trades have been pretty much 'looking after themselves' I got bored and started to take another look at 'The Delta Phenomenon' and from what I see 'it certainly ain't mumbo jumbo'!!! I just looked at the 'Intermediate Term Delta' ('IDT'), pulled up a couple of daily charts and drew the lines on the charts and I can tell you that it just 'jumped out at me' i.e. there IS a pattern for sure, maybe not to the day (and he does say that it's not 'accurate' to a day) but certainly to within a day or two or three. I looked at the Dow, S&P, Nasdaq, and Gold and there certainly is a pattern which is so obvious it's 'uncanny'.
Do I have enough faith (at this point) to trade it? No BUT from what I can see if you (at first anyway) just used the ITD as a 'guide' or 'backup' for whatever other system you may be using then you are certainly (in my opinion) getting a 'heads up' on the 'current future' (if that makes any sense) direction of the market.
I am going to 'wear this book out' now (the same as I have done with 'New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems') and 'delve deeper' into this (I unfortuanately cannot afford the costs associated with belonging to 'The Delta Society') BUT understanding 'The Delta Phenomenon' MAY just enable me to afford said costs!!!
Anybody got some more opinions on this? Anybody taking 'The Delta Phenomenon' into account when trading i.e. not necessarily looking for and basing trades on the turning points?
By the way smalldog2: I just pulled up the Dow and I don't know if you've been looking at the IDT BUT do you have an idea just how 'accurate' your last prediction is / was??? Take a look see!!! The Dow DID bounce (on the 9th) and what's more it has today and tomorrow to go up (not sure if it's going to get anywhere near 13000 BUT I sure reckon it's going to go up today and tomorrow according anyway to MY interpretation of the IDT). Actually, according to MY interpretation of the IDT it should move up and range for a couple of days before a good strong leg up!!! And what's more: think of the coming Fed rate cut!!! Coeincidence??? Let's see!!! Looks like Mr Wilder has 'come through for me' yet again!!!